torsdag 22 mars 2007


Jag tror att min intervju kommer i Metro under morgondagen, eller i helgen så jag får se till att jag får tag i tidningen på annat sätt.

Sen ringde SVT Argument så det blir flyg till Umeå på tisdag vilket ska bli kul även om ämnet är allvarligt, jag ska samtala kring det hårda klimatet på nätet mot politiker och opinionsbildare där jag har en del erfarenheter.

1 kommentar:

The Harbinger sa...

There is one very important point you have to make here. The "tough climate" that you describe is tough in comparison to the mild mannered daily life of Swedish politics. Compared to American politics, Swedish politicians exhibit almost no differences whatsoever. I am professionally active within U.S. politics and the differences are productive, not destructive. They highlight differences and help people distinguish good ideas from bad. In some cases it goes overboard but the American political life, and the democracy, is amazingly resilient in that respect. My advise to you is to point out that differences are not bad, so long as they are based on ideological values. Americans are good at distinguishing between personal attacks and ideological differences. Swedes have a thing or two to learn in that respect.